Crass Lips Comp. VIII by Crass Lips Records

FSL-002 by Feminist Synth Lab Compilation

LY002: Seeds - Liyang Network 

LY002: Seeds
December 2023

Inspired by the urgent and ever-growing international solidarity movement against imperialism, we called on musicians to respond to the theme of seeds. As we witness increasing repression and fascism around the world, our network meditated on the growth, continuation, and multiplicity that sustains us and our movements.

This project began as part of Liyang Network’s Defend the Defenders campaign, a response to this increasing repression of environmental and human rights defenders and advocates in the Philippines in the last four years. The campaign supported targeted activists in Mindanao from diverse groups - farmers, workers, Indigenous Peoples, and women - who are all part of the broad-based movement to free the country from foreign domination, and develop it sustainably for the Filipino people.

Despite the Philippine government’s best efforts, the impacts of what has been built will not be extinguished, and defenders will continue to wage the struggle for land and life. Tied to the land, we find that seeds can represent the planting and re-planting done both literally and figuratively to win people’s struggles. Long live land defenders! Mabuhay!

All proceeds of this mixtape go to Liyang Network’s ongoing work to sustain those on the frontlines of land, environmental, and human rights defense in Mindanao, Philippines.

Liyang Network is a local to global advocacy network that amplifies the calls to action of frontline environmental and human rights defenders in Mindanao, Philippines. Originally founded in 2019 in UCCP Haran evacuation center Mindanao, it was born out of a direct request from our primary community partner, Sabokahan Unity of Lumad Women to form a network to bring together all of their international supporters in order to uplift and advocate for the calls of the Lumad people. Since then, we have established an overseas chapter in the US, which mobilizes people nationally in support of the calls of communities in Mindanao. Liyang U.S.A. currently has 3 regional organizing committees which focus on making connections with local issues in Northern California, Southern California, and Western Massachusetts; we also have members across the country and internationally. Since our founding, Liyang has expanded our advocacy work to include peasants and agri-workers in Mindanao, in addition to our work supporting Lumad communities.

CEASEFIRE NOW - Seminal Records - Brazil


Na Alemanha (de onde partiu a iniciativa desta coletânea e onde dois membros da Seminal Records atualmente residem) estamos alarmados com a onda de violência policial racializada e com a restrição assustadora do debate e da expressão política, o que afeta muitas de nossas comunidades e instituições culturais.

Nos posicionamos veementemente contra o racismo, a islamofobia, o antissemitismo, e o assassinato em massa de pessoas inocentes.

Reiteramos nosso chamado de cessar-fogo permanente, e de liberação de todos os reféns, para dar lugar ao luto e à paz.

Essa compilação, organizada inteiramente por voluntários, com contribuições de diferentes partes do mundo, é uma oferenda e um apelo para um mundo livre da violência, do terror, do sofrimento e das atrocidades da guerra que se agravam a cada dia com os incessantes bombardeios à Palestina.

100% dos ganhos (menos as taxas de processamento) serão transferidos de forma privada para um centro de mulheres em Gaza, com os recursos sendo utilizados para distribuir 'kits de dignidade' diretamente para as mulheres e famílias deslocadas de...  more


released December 8, 2023

Coletânea lançada em cooperação e apoio de:

Orange Cliff (ID)
Stock Records (AU)
Seminal Records (BR/DE)
Decolonoize (DE)

Master: Henrique Iwao


Released with cooperation and support from:

Orange Cliff (ID)
Stock Records (AU)
Seminal Records (BR/DE)
Decolonoize (DE)

The Ancient Wall
Curated by Psychic Eye Records

“The Ancient Wall” is a 40+ track, double CD compilation of darkwave, dark electronic and experimental music that benefits, in a 50/50 split, medical and essential services to children in Gaza and food justice for the houseless population of our own city, Oakland, CA. All proceeds will be donated to Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance and Rogers and Rosewater, two Bay Area-based mutual aid organizations run by refugees.

We choose these two organizations and causes simultaneously because the issues that affect us are all interconnected. We believe that listening to the voices and following the leadership of those who are in the most imminent danger, and those who have survived it, is our only way forward.

The compilation is titled “The Ancient Wall” after the poem “In Jerusalem” by Mahmoud Darwish. The cover art is designed by MaryAnn Jaraisy.

We've had the idea for this comp for awhile, but it's been put together and pre-released quickly in order to send emergency funds to Gaza as soon as possible. As artists confirm and send in music, tracks will be added and updated until the release date of Feb 2, 2022. The final lineup will include 40+ bands - full of heavy hitters, PE faves, and fresh new talent.

Learn more about the organizations here:



Curated by Decolonoize Berlin & L_KW Label
In cooperation with:
Shouka (FR/TUN)
Orange Cliff (ID)
Seminal records (BR/DE)
Stray signals (DE)

In light of the intensified, deaths of innocent people civilians occurring between Gaza and Israel since October 7th, 2023 we - as multiple labels, artists and collectives - have cooperated to raise our collective voice in demanding an immediate ceasefire and release of hostages.

We yearn for a feminist response to a crisis that has been on the political agenda for longer than any of us have been alive, creating trauma upon trauma. We want to work toward peace and freedom of all civilians and it begins in Gaza.

If you would like to purchase the compilation, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to supporting the distribution of dignity kits directly on the ground, to affected women and families in Gaza.

This compilation is one of the most direct ways - as artists, musicians and sound workers - we can take to address and speak to the atrocities unfolding.

Please ignite your compassion and empathy by thinking of others.


housefire vol 1

Psychic War Against Cop City Extreme Music Compilation by Delirium Psychosis Productions

As the fascist police state continues to consolidate power in our urban centers, the people continue to fight back. Atlanta, the black Mecca of the south is undergoing a process in which the local population is being driven out. The black nation, having gone from slavery, to apartheid, to forced integration, is now faced with displacement at the hands of white gentrifiers. This is unmistakably a facet of modern day colonialism against the black nation. This process is being carried out at the hands of a brutal, militarized occupation force in the form of the police. They are a weapon of warfare against the poor and black population of our urban centers. This new "urban warfare" training facility is another step in a long running process of colonial class warfare against both this oppressed nation and the rest of the working class. We demand not just an end to Cop City, but an end to the hundreds of years of colonialism against Black America, and state warfare against the working masses. Self determination, decolonization, revolution. Fuck cop city.

All proceeds go to Atlanta Solidarity Fund.

Weelauenee Kaleidoscope by Rope Bridge Records

"Weelaunee Kaleidoscope" is a digital-only benefit compilation organized in support of the Defend the Forest/Stop Cop City movement, and more specifically of the ATL Solidarity Fund. As the situation in Weelaunee Forest has escalated over the last month, this benefit was organized on short notice to quickly raise funds to aid the stand against Cop City and police oppression & violence. I am not affiliated with any "leaders" of this movement and organizing in this manner is possible for anyone, please see how you can get involved! Endless endless thanks to all artists who contributed to this release, it is amazing to see and incredibly heart-warming. I did my best to sequence the tracks in a mindful way - the opening track is a very special one, composed in honor and memory of Tortuguita, a forest defender who was killed by Atlanta Police on Wednesday morning, January 18th. 

SODAA - Decentralised Compilation vol.1

co-released with

3 Swords Republic, Club Late Music, Hard Return, HI-NRG, New Scenery, Sly Tone, and TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

All tracks written and produced by the artists, as credited.
Mastering by Works Of Intent.
Artwork by ROOO.

We’re exploring how SODAA sounds with our first compilation.
It features members, friends, and new talent.
It's genreless and fluid, self-organised and bottom-up.

The artists and the labels participating in this compilation believe in a more equitable and collaborative future for our scenes, one guided by principles of solidarity economy, distributed decision-making, and the rejection of capitalist notions of culture, music and space.

We’ve asked labels who align with our values to support the compilation by co-releasing it with us, and adding it to their own catalogue. Additionally, artists in their roster are working on remixes.
The idea of a decentralised release was also inspired by the way Senyawa released their album “Alkisah”.

The profits will be split between the artists and SODAA, as a way to raise funds for our long-term goals, with a part going to the labels for their help.

Support us buying the compilation (or donating via Open Collective opencollective.com/sodaaclub) and sharing with your friends.

Vol 1- Inquilab by Sub(continental) Sonic Arts

Vol 1 - Inquilab features music written, performed, composed and produced by South Asian women, trans, nonbinary and/or gender fluid sonic artists.

From the Subcontinent to the diaspora across the globe, these artists span across genres and fields in the music industry: film scoring, spoken word, lo-fi, electronica, pop, vocals, carnatic fusion, jazz, hip-hop, R&B, sound design, EDM, etc.

All proceeds will be donated to Sahaita: sahaita.org. We fully support the ongoing farmers' protest against the Indian Central Government's 2020 Farm Laws and the families leading the revolution on the frontlines.

LY001: Water by Liyang Network

We’ve dedicated this mixtape to some of these environmental and human rights defenders whose lives were taken in this struggle. On the evening of February 23rd, 2022, Chad Booc, Jurain Ngujo, Elegyn Balonga and their two drivers Robert Aragon and Tirso Añar were massacred by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in New Bataan, Davao de Oro, while returning from a visit to rural communities in southern Mindanao.

Liyang SoCal joins the call for justice for the New Bataan 5 and dedicates this mixtape to their lives, work, and sacrifice. These heroes understood the supreme importance of the ongoing struggle to defend the land, water, and life in Mindanao as connected to environmental defense and liberation throughout the Philippines and around the world. As we listen, let us consider all the ways we can amplify calls for their justice and an end to exploitation, foreign plunder, and tyranny in Mindanao and around the world.

For Those We Lost  by Lowlives Collective

Curated by Floralis with special thanks to DJ Priya for assisting the curation process.
Following the continual displacement of Palestinian people and the severe conditions many in Gaza are forced to live under, we put together a small compilation in order to raise money for Medical Aid for Palestinians. Each of these tracks are either originals or rare tracks by each of these artists, showcasing some of the best stuff we have heard in the alternative music space.

Given the lack of diversity that we continue to see in the alternative music space, Floralis and DJ Priya made it their mission to recruit musicians of colour and LGBTQ+ acts for this compilation album. Alongside initiatives such as Daytimers, Weirdo Magazine, Diversify Your Scene and Decolonise Festival, this compilation serves as a testament towards radical inclusivity in the music scene.